mardi 3 mars 2015

Êtes-vous prêt pour le ReleaseFest?

Hale Dwoskin de la Sedona Method rend disponible une grande partie du matériel développé au cours des dernières années, en streaming.

Voir le lien plus bas.


Can you imagine a world where everyone is free of anxiety, unrest, self-criticism and bad habits?

Dear Christian,
I am thrilled to announce that we will be streaming – free of charge – the first six CDs of The Sedona Method Supercourse to tens of thousands of people this month.

Plus, the Letting Go Paraliminal that I created with Paul Scheele and Learning Strategies. (If you haven’t listened to a Paraliminal, you’ll love what Paul and I did for you.)

Plus, the Letting Go movie.

It’s all free so that more and more people can release uncomfortable feelings and finally experience peace.

We call this online event ReleasingFest, and what a fest it will be! Can you imagine a world where everyone is free of anxiety, unrest, self-criticism and bad habits? Can you imagine the great peace, joy, and abundance that would bring?

You can help make that a reality by telling everyone you know about theReleasingFest. It is completely free with no strings attached. It’s a superb way for someone to learn the power of releasing.

You, and everyone, can get a Free Pass here.

Thank you for your support.



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