jeudi 23 octobre 2014

Lâcher-prise vis-à-vis de vos finances

Lâcher-prise vis-à-vis de nos finances peut être un défi. Avec les fêtes qui arrivent, plusieurs personnes n'en parlent pas, mais vivent cette période comme la pire de l'année. Pourquoi? Parce que ça coûte cher (ou que ça peut coûter cher).

Je vous invite à écouter la dernière téléconférence de Hale, dont voici l'introduction:

I'm starting something brand new and I think you will really appreciate and benefit from it. Four times a year we will be focusing our complimentary monthly support call on financial issues and abundance. As always, I can work with you directly on the call and focus on the needs of the group in the moment. 
And, we'll be focusing exclusively on whatever you feel needs attention in your financial life and releasing any anxieties about money. Maybe you want more cash flow, maybe you want stability, maybe it's a big savings account or to be debt free or even just accepting of where you are right now... whatever the case I know these new sessions will be of enormous value for you. 
I'd love for you to join me next Tuesday, October 21, for your free monthly support call. This wonderful opportunity to take your releasing to the next level is at no cost to you.
The call will be at 9:00 PM ET (6:00 PM PT), Tuesday, October 21, 2014.
Register for the call by visiting this link: 
The call will be recorded and made available online within two business days. You will find the recording for this call at:

Laissez l'abondance venir à vous. Ne la freinez pas. Restez ouvert et accueillant.

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